One panel for both electricity and hot water
Speed-up energy transition
Most Dutch people are willing to take the step to sustainable energy.
Not everybody can do this at once. Where do you start and is that sustainable?
If you choose for PVT from Suntherm, you choose for a clever combination of approved technics.
Hybrid solutions step-by-step.
Future proof and affordable
- Complete basic module:
One solarpanel for Electricity and heat. - Future Proof:
Step-by-step reduction of fossil energy. - Circular:
Collector not glued to the solarpanel and made of 100% polypropylene.
Cooperation with installers
- Affordable through large quantities
Attractive discount for installers. - Localy made to messure:
Suntherm offers support were needed. Starters in this field of technic will be supported by us for design and realisation. - Distribution by wholesale dealers or direct to installers.
Year round permanent profit
The PVT solarpanel from Suntherm operates as one system, generating both electricity and heating water. It is the perfect solution for sustainable energy.
How it works we explain below.
What is a PVT-solarpanel
Normally PV solarpanels consist solely of Photo-Voltaic cells (PV). These cells transform sunlight in electricity.
Added at the back of the solarpanel is a Thermic collector (T) in which a flow of cooling liquid is integrated.
How the system works
At the back of the solarpanel there is a thermic collector filled with liquid, to be connected to a water source heat pump which takes care of the desired temperature for heating and domestic hot water.
The flat design of the collector assures a maximum transmission of the heat of the PV panel and transmits this heat to a boiler or heating pump. The collector effectively cools the solarpanel, maximizing electric output and enhancing heat pump performance by preheating its water source. It all adds up in a beautiful way.
As this system not only gets its heat from the sun but also from the environment, the added thermal collector works 24 / 7 / 365.
Usually the sun shines
But even when it doesn't and it is cold outside the thermic collector at the back of the solar panel is working.
Suntherm PVT panels have the highest content of cooling liquid in comparison to other systems and no isolation at the back. In this way the collector keeps absorbing the surrounding heat and in that way the panels even work at night and in wintertime.
When the temperature drops just below zero, most heat pumps keep performing quite well. In harsh conditions obviously it's better to switch to a backup like 'heat basket' or ground loop or source net when available. In an all-electric setting, the individual homeowner ultimately will have to turn on the electric subheating of his heat pump, just as with air source heat pumps. In regard to these properties Suntherm strongly endorses Ectogrid when it comes to district heating. In this kind of communal design the individual homeowner has a better choice and integrated PVT solarpanels will prove to be a friend to rely on. As they'll always heat up the source.
This makes the PVT solarpanel a robust solution to provide sustainable energy to your building all year round.