Why Suntherm
Suntherm has gained profound knowledge about affordable durable energy solutions. Added to our experience we then envisioned a strategy to stimulate the energy transition by optimal solutions. At Suntherm solar is key, but surely we anticipate on the most promising innovations in the broader field of technology. Therefore we endorse hybrid solutions suited for a step by step approach. Optimal solutions when thinking in terms of ideal solutions to be achieved in harmony with People, Planet and Prosperity.
Like our most famous astronaut and physicist stated: "We receive one hundred times more energy from the sun then we could possibly use. We 're just to slow (in applying new technology) to harvest that energy. ".
The Suntherm PVT solarpanel delivers on top of every unit electric energy also two units thermal energy (warmth). Basic PVT solarpanel output is 3 X single solarpanel output !
Since everyone welcomes solarpanels, Suntherm emphasizes on PVT solarpanels as first choice. Both electricity and warmth from a standard solarpanel with a clever upgrade. Using Suntherm PVT solarpanels you start with the basic layout that helps you transform to an ever more durable way of domestic heating. Start simply using it for preheating your hotwater supply, enhance by adding heatpumps. Start saving today, speed up when ready.
Our mission is to speed up the energy transition by promoting PVT solarpanels as the most affordable and clever upgrade for single solar. Our goal is to supply consumers with affordable and future proof solutions while offering attractive incentives to installers. Cause we appreciate their craftmanship needed to go the extra mile.